Risk Management Maturity Model

Part of the Events Sector Maturity Model concerns measuring the level of risk management. Below are the questions. Give them a level from 1 ( not used) to 10 ( used all the time) and this site will send back suggestions for improvement.

1 to 10
1. Is there a standard process for the management of risk that is
understood by all the events and event departments?
2. Is there a standard for:
a. An event emergency plan
b. A crisis communication plan
c. An evacuation/invacuation plan
d. Health and medical plan
3. Are there event specific laws?
4. Are the standards mandatory?
5. Is there training in event risk management? – professional
development /University courses.
6. Is there an Association for events or event management?
7. Is there a central database or website for event risk?
8. Are the ISO (European) or ANSI (USA) standards used for
all events?
9. Is there training for onsite staff and volunteers for risk
decisions made during the event itself (i.e. situational awareness,
local optimisation)?
10. Are there standards or codes for: temporary structures, rides, food/water, rigging, machinery and event features (such as: fireworks, lasers, drones..) ?
11. Is there a formal standard onsite hazard identification process (including unattended items such as “HOT”)?
12. Is there a process for capturing opportunities that arise from risks?
14. Security:
a. Is there a competitive tender system (linked to procurement) for security?
b. Terrorism: is there a process for prevention and response
to terrorist attacks including : hostile vehicle, active armed
shooter, IED and chemical?
c. Is there a layered security model for the festival and large